Medicare Supplement Insurance Price Index Makes News

Medicare Supplement Insurance Association website hosts #1 Find An Agent Directory

Medicare Supplement Insurance Association website hosts #1 Find An Agent Directory

Millions of consumers were exposed today to information about the nation’s number-one generic online Medicare Supplement insurance agent directory.

“With 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, there’s never been greater interest in Medicare Supplement insurance,” shares Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance (AAMSI).  Slome heads the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance and the newly established National Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Information.

“Agents understand the importance of diversifying their business and Medicare Supplement insurance certainly provides a growing marketplace,” Slome notes.  “We had some 200 consumer calls to our office during Open Enrollment, so we knew expanding the online Find An Agent directory was needed.”

To create heightened awareness for the online directory, AAMSI launched a marketing initiative including a national public relations effort.  “We announced the first findings for the 2016 Medigap Price Index which tells consumers the importance of working with a knowledgeable Medicare Supplement insurance professional.  We are already seeing results, with mentions in news reports across the country today,” Slome shares.

The following are some of the key online media news services running initial reports about the 2016 Medicare Supplement Insurance Price Index.

Yahoo Finance (Boston Globe)

Arizona Republic

San Jose Mercury News

To check out the Find A Medicare Supplement insurance agent go to: or call (818) 597-3205.

To receive the form to be listed (a $99 charge covers listing through January 2017) E-mail Jesse Slome at

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